How to enforce project standard structure with TempleMe
10 minsDecember 1, 2024
I’m a software architect, developer and designer based on Sorocaba, Brazil, having worked in several projects providing solutions for User Interface, Developer Experience, Backend, Frontend, Architecture, CICD and Monitoring layers.
Experienced in the Javascript and Typescript ecosystem, from Frontend Frameworks such as React, React Native, Angular and Backend languages such as Node and Bun, with NestJs and Hono frameworks.
Aside from programming languages, I have been configuring and using SST, Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, CICD, Grafana Stack, Unit Tests with Jest, Load Testing with K6, Keycloak, SonarQube, C4 Diagrams, Kong, ArgoCD, Graylog, and several others tools to help teams work better.
8 years
8 years
Specialized in backend development, focusing on building robust APIs and high-throughput data ingestion systems.
11 years
11 years
Experienced in frontend development, creating user interfaces and web applications with an emphasis on performance and usability.
ReactReact NativeDesign SystemsTailwindNextJsAngular
15 years
15 years
Passionate about designing logos, crafting intuitive user interfaces for web and mobile, and creating detailed mockups.
PhotoshopIllustratorSketchFigmaAffinity Designer
4 years
4 years
Skilled in configuring and managing infrastructure and CI/CD pipelines.
TerraformGrafana StackKubernetesDockerArgoCDGraylog
Architecture and Developer Experience
4 years
4 years
Focused on software architecture, designing and implementing scalable and efficient systems.
FlowchartsC4 DiagramsNXOSS
Video ads platform for social creators. Participated throughout the entire project while at Scalio.
A platform to measure energetic performance developed while at GreenYellow.
LogMessage CLS Hooked
A logger that supports CLS (Continuation Local Storage).
Do you have any problems that need to be solved with a site, web system or app?